Bouquet Preservation


Inspired by colors and textures in nature, I use
wildflowers, herbs, leaves, and other natural objects to capture ever-changing
seasons in clay. 

I create functional, one-of-a-kind vases, pitchers, and other ceramic pieces as well as pieces crafted to memorialize weddings, gardens, and special occasion bouquets. 

For bespoke wedding pieces, I use heirloom textures from the bride's dress or veil to imprint the interior, and wedding flowers pressed into the exterior of the porcelain
piece.  Each one-of-a-kind piece is hand built and hand painted in custom mixed glaze. 

For other bespoke works, I collect often overlooked natural found objects from
home gardens or local wildflowers and leaves to form impressions on the
exterior of the piece and antique crochet to create the interior.  Preserving these natural elements in clay preserves nature's enduring beauty for us to marvel at for
years to come. 

Custom Botanic Vases